About Us
We are a pro-euthanasia company on a mission to provide information, education, and support about end-of-life options to patients, family members, advocates, legislators, and the public.
Our Goals
To educate the public about the importance of end-of-life values and priorities. We want to empower every individual with achievable options and advice for guiding their care and engaging with providers. We advocate for expanded choices and improved medical practice that puts patients first and values quality of life in treatment plans for terminal illness.
What Do We Do?
We are fighting for a brighter future everyday. A future where we envision a society that affirms life and accepts the inevitability of death, embraces options for dying, and empowers everyone to choose end-of-life care that reflects their values and priorities.
At Exitneardeath we believe it is a fundamental human right for every mentally competent adult to plan for end-of-life options at anytime they want to. If they so choose to do so.
Everything we do at Exitneardeath is about empowering patients to speak up and claim their voice in end of life care.
What Does "Exitneardeath" Stand For?
Exitneardeath means to leave/exit life before your ultimate demise at your own will for a number of reasons including, but not limited to, illness, old age, and other types of suffering to eliminate the burden one might be facing.